
Taking Agricultural Commodities Physical Trading|Market Analysis|Risk Management|Algorithmic Trading|FMCG Sourcing to the Next Level

Taking Agribusiness Market Intelligence to the Next Level

Actionable agricultural commodities market insights based on evidence and sourced from a completely transparent and exclusive network.


Trusted by Thousands of Agricultural Commodities Professionals

3 Reasons to Choose AgFlow as Your
Agricultural Commodities Market Data Provider

Our Data Is


Data you cannot trace back to the source of information is not actionable and, therefore, irrelevant.

This is why we provide you with the name and contact details of our contributors.


Synthetic data created out of a judgment is as good as the human behind it and is therefore inherently inaccurate.

This is why we report market events such as bids, asks, and realized lineups.


Data created out of context, disconnected from actual local realities is not timely and is inherently misleading.

This is why we provide you with transparent and fact-based information.

Transparent Data
Evidence-Based Data
Actionable Data

Unlock Your Market Potential with AgFlow Solutions

Physical Prices on Agricultural Commodities

Leverage the world’s largest and most granular physical cash quotes database, built with a transparent network of 115+ contributors who exclusively report market events.

AgFlow Physical Prices
AgFlow Physical Prices

Agricultural Commodity Freight Rates

View freight markets from a global perspective across 800 ports and with 8,000 freight indications weekly updates

Agricultural Commodity Forward Curves

Rely on a daily market price benchmark, even when the market is opaque, with 120+ complete 12-month forward curves

AgFlow Physical Prices

And Much More

AgFlow Agricultural Commodities Physical Prices

Physical Prices on Agricultural Commodities

Leverage the world’s largest and most granular physical cash quotes database, built with a transparent network of 115+ contributors who exclusively report market events to:


    • Build and analyze trading models using current and historical physical prices to support trading activities or anticipate derivatives’ price evolutions.
    • Stress-test price movements scenarios. Use physical prices as a benchmark for Mark-to-Market calculation and daily VaR reconciliation.
    • Prepare annual sourcing plans while keeping track of raw material prices variations and find the right supplier.
    • Track price evolutions on physical markets to find the best cash execution and the right broker.
AgFlow Agricultural Commodities Physical Prices
AgFlow Agricultural Commodities Freight Indications

Agricultural Commodity Freight Rates

View freight markets from a global perspective across 800 ports and with 8,000 freight indications weekly updates to:

    • Complete trading scenarios forecasts with current and historical freight rate indications.
    • View how freight impacts the P&L. Use as a benchmark for Mark-to-Market calculation and daily VaR reconciliation.
    • Forecast how freight impacts your sourcing plans to ensure optimal execution of your annual supply purchase.
    • Find the best freight execution for the cargoes you’re planning to move.
AgFlow Agricultural Commodities Freight Indications
AgFlow Agricultural Commodities Tenders

Agricultural Commodity Tenders

Access the ultimate cash market reference and view the transactions details of all agricultural tenders since 2013.

AgFlow Agricultural Commodities Tenders
AgFlow Agricultural Commodities Reports & News

Reports & News on Agricultural Commodities

Stay informed with exclusive market reports published several times a day by global experts and a Twitter feed of the key agricultural accounts.

AgFlow Agricultural Commodities Reports & News
AgFlow Agricultural Commodities Forward Curves

Agricultural Commodity Forward Curves

Rely on a daily market price benchmark, even when the market is opaque, with 120+ complete 12-month forward curves to:


    • View if a physical price is outside its usual corridor to spot trading signals.
    • Ensure your traders’ positions are accurately marked with a complete view of the forward markets.
    • Rapidly identify trading signals to trade with an edge.
AgFlow Agricultural Commodities Forward Curves
AgFlow Agricultural Commodities Weather


Compare the last 8 years of satellite data from NOASS and COPERNICUS with today’s forecast to see how the weather impacts crops and the overall supply to anticipate market price variations.

AgFlow Agricultural Commodities Weather

A Data Partner for Any Use Case

Agricultural Commodities Data Partner for Traders

Maximize Your ROI

We show you the daily transaction summaries received from our global network of 120+ brokers & traders. What you get is the actual market value of 6,000+ Grains, Oilseeds, and Vegoils quotes every day and 9,000+ freight rates weekly to ensure that you have the best execution!

Agricultural Commodities Data Partner for Risk Managers

Control Market Risk

Gain a consolidated view of risks and build high-level risk models thanks to AgFlow, get the full picture of your market and quantify the risks that your company’s activity can generate and reduce their impact.

Agricultural Commodities Data Partner for Market Research

Understand Agricultural Commodities Markets Dynamics

There is more information produced than you can read, understand, and digest in a day. With AgFlow, start to eliminate data collection and benefits from robust and standardized data nomenclature, access market analysis published daily by global experts, and keep your finger on the market’s pulse.

Agricultural Commodities Data Partner for Buyers

Optimize Sourcing Costs

Every day, we collect raw data from our proprietary network of 130+ brokers & traders, structure it and aggregate and standardize it. Access thousands of quotes and import/export data on a daily basis in order to benchmark your prices and follow the demand. 

AgFlow in Numbers

Commodities Tracked

New Data Points Monthly

Countries Covered


The AgFlow Method to Collect Agricultural Commodities Data

Every day, we collect raw agricultural commodities data from our network of 130+ fully vetted top-tier sources, aggregate it through proprietary state-of-the-art technology, and redistribute it across the entire agricultural value chain.

AgFlow Method

Be like 1,100 Market Players and Trade Agricultural Commodities with Transparent, Factual, and Actionable Data

Fully Vetted Top-Tier Sources

What Our Clients Have to Say

"I strongly recommend AgFlow to other traders or brokers dealing locally and willing to expand beyond their region, as such market data and information are not easy to get for smaller players."

Nikola Sindjic

Trader, Agroglobe