
AgFlow Case Studies

I strongly recommend AgFlow to other traders or brokers dealing locally and willing to expand beyond their region, as such market data and information are not easy to get for smaller players.

There simply is no alternative out there. It’s either you collect all the data from different sources, or you get AgFlow. It’s the most complete spot and forward cash price data provider we could find.

With AgFlow, I can benchmark my trades with the prices on the platform. I saved $5 per Metric Ton on several transactions and even $25,000 on one shipment. That’s an ROI of over 500% on the AgFlow subscription.

Nikola Sindjic – Trader

Harm de Wilde – Market Analyst

Ali Samei – Trader

I strongly recommend AgFlow to other traders or brokers dealing locally and willing to expand beyond their region, as such market data and information are not easy to get for smaller players.

Nikola Sindjic – Trader

There simply is no alternative out there. It’s either you collect all the data from different sources, or you get AgFlow. It’s the most complete spot and forward cash price data provider we could find.

Harm de Wilde – Market Analyst

With AgFlow, I can benchmark my trades with the prices on the platform. I saved $5 per Metric Ton on several transactions and even $25,000 on one shipment. That’s an ROI of over 500% on the AgFlow subscription.

Ali Samei – Trader