
I strongly recommend AgFlow to other traders or brokers dealing locally and willing to expand beyond their region, as such market data and information are not easy to get for smaller players.

Nikola Sindjic – Trader at Agroglobe

Agroglobe’s challenge

With 1,6M tons of turnover, over 70 logistic centers, and 670,000 tons of silos storage capacity, Agroglobe is the largest export-oriented cereals and feed components company in Serbia.

Following an important strategic move, Agroglobe needed a solution to expand their container business beyond their region and increase the volume of international transactions. Although the company was already involved in regional and international trade in Italy and Romania, they have only recently started to deal with cross-continental markets. Consequently, Agroglobe suffered from limited visibility in many regions, particularly in South East Asia, where their biggest export markets are Malaysia and Indonesia. Further to this, Serbian agricultural markets, being very localized by nature and with little international exchanges, global stakeholders are often unfamiliar with their products.

Before working with AgFlow, Agroglobe mainly exported to Italian and Romanian markets and counted on live physical conferences and on-field visits to get more exposure and present their business to prospects. Agroglobe’s goal was to double their container exports, and in order to achieve it, they had a pressing need to build their visibility and credibility in markets beyond their locality. 

In addition to being costly, relying solely on this strategy proved inefficient overall, and the ability to network was further hindered as the Covid-19 crisis unfolded.

AgFlow’s solution for Agroglobe

Agroglobe joined AgFlow’s Contributor Circle in May 2020. They instantly gained access to spot and forward prices for more than 75 commodities, as well as freight rates in exchange for the provision of their raw cash price data. For Nikola Sindjic, Trader at Agroglobe, this move was a must. Additionally, the Network functionality on the AgFlow platform gave them access to a vast network of brokers, inspections companies, and port agents worldwide, allowing them to start business conversations in their target markets whenever they want.

Furthermore, Agroglobe has benefitted from AgFlow’s Relationship Management team, who distributed sponsored emails within the AgFlow network, introducing their company profile and products, thus amplifying their visibility among global agricultural players.


By joining the AgFlow Contributor Circle, Agroglobe has gained access to timely and privileged market data, insights, and has also connected with new brokers to discuss potential transactions. These new commercial relationships were made possible as they were able to proactively interact with brokers on AgFlow’s Network page. And, in particular, they greatly benefited from sponsored emails distributed within the AgFlow network. This generated ten highly qualified leads from 37 hand-picked contacts based on the initial consultation conducted by the Relationship Management Team. In October 2020, 5 out of the 10 leads are in the negotiation stage, and have the potential to increase Agroglobe’s container business by 100%, thereby achieving the objective set out initially.

When emails are sent to prospects by unknown businesses, they often end-up unread or in the bin, if not transferred to spam by default. The fact that the email is received from AgFlow as a sponsored opportunity makes it feel like a word of mouth kind of thing, as it has already been filtered and assessed by your analysts’ team.

This is definitely the best way to break the ice at first sight

Nikola Sindjic – Trader at Agroglobe

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